April 14, 2000

MEMBERS PRESENT: G. Avent, K. Dannehl, R. Doyle, P. Fox, G. Goicoechea, E. Henderson, L. Hyslop, P. Josey, J. Kempster, K. Martin, M. McFarlane, R. McNally, C. McMullen, B. Murphy, E. Nickel, L. Ohlin, L. Owens, M. Ports, C. Pyatt, L. Reber, N. Remington, J. Rice, K. Schwandt, J. Shaw, J. Shrock, J. Smith, P. Smith, S. Sweetwater, G. Tenney, P. Warren, M. Wise

OTHERS PRESENT: Vice President Betty Elliott, Danny Gonzales, Becky Mollart, Kathy Mollart, Sharon Owen

  1. ATTENDANCE: Silent roll was taken. Vice Chair John Rice declared a quorum present.
  2. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1:25 p.m.
  3. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS : Vice Chair John Rice welcomed everyone to Senate. Bret Murphy was wished a Happy 40th Birthday.
  4. VICE PRESIDENT BETTY ELLIOTT: Vice President Elliott addressed the Senate regarding the 2001-2002 Biennial Budget as proposed to the BoR. The proposal is outlined by priority and on file for record. Vice President Elliott stressed the addition of COLA for Faculty as well as funding for the four-year programs and college support: additional faculty, teaching assistants, additional program funding, scholarships, equipment, facilities and safety .
    1. Current capital improvement projects include an Electrical/Industrial Technology Shop, Dormitories, Winnemucca Shared High-Tech Facility and Ely Shared High-Tech Facility.
    2. She briefly touched on prioritized long-range capital projects:
      1. The college is negotiating the acquisition of the Armory facilities. The Armory is receptive to negotiations. Different proposals on use are being accepted including use in conjunction with Boy's and Girl's Groups benefitting students with children.
      2. The college, perhaps in partnership with additional local entities, is interested in the acquisition of the Elko County Fairgrounds facilities. The current land used for parking during the fair is owned by the college and will be developed for future use hampering fair attendance.
      3. The Nevada State Animal Disease Laboratory is seeking alternate location off campus.
  5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the February 25, 2000, meeting were unanimously approved.
  6. SENATE CHAIR REPORT: Vice Chair John Rice presented Chair Eric Bateman's report in his absence. The report was for information only:
    1. Board of Regents -
      1. The Board approved the recommended policy by the Campus Environment Committee regarding dual-career couples.
      2. The Board approved a new policy for LOA's for part-time faculty members.
      3. The Board approved the Henderson State College articles of incorporation, Bylaws and a NSCH Foundation Board of Directors, and a process of land acquisition for the proposed campus site. The proposed mission statement was refused for the intention by the college to go beyond its intended scope of baccalaureate degrees. The Council of Senate Chairs will be asked to comment on the revised statement. Unless otherwise directed by Senate, Chair Eric Batemen will enforce the original intention of the new college.
      4. The Council of Senate Chairs presented a petition letter to the Board during the preliminary budgetary meetings requesting that COLA be a top priority for consideration.
      5. The Blue Ribbon Committee addressing the revised salary schedule has been stalled.
      6. The GBC General Education Committee is to be commended on the proposed program. Dr. Robert Mauldin commented that the program "was found to be of extremely high quality."
    1. Academic Standards - Written report; approved. The committee approved three requests for non-traditional credit. The committee is currently reviewing proposals regarding the collection of responsibilities of department chairs and the proper compensation for fulfilling the duties of chair. The review will be submitted at the May senate meeting.
    2. Budget - No report
    3. Compensation and Benefits - Written report; approved. Requests for out-of-state travel were awarded to Eric Bateman, Georgeanna Smith and Phil Smith.
    4. Curriculum and Articulation - Written report; approved. The report submitted details all action taken by the committee to date. A recommendation was made to change the program designation of the integrated math seminar to INT.
    5. Distance Learning - Written report. A report containing problems as well as goals and guidelines for telecourses was submitted. The report included a suggestion of placing emphasis toward online versus telecourse, and replacing in-house produced videos with pre-packaged PBS or comparable series videos. No action will be taken on the report at this time to allow discussion and alternative consideration.
    6. Facilities Committee - No report.
    7. Faculty and Administrative Evaluations - Oral report; approved. Packets for faculty evaluations will be distributed next week. The committee will pursue the possibility of generating the form online through the assistance of Webmaster Chris Hughes.
    8. General Education - Written report; approved.
      1. The final draft copy of the general education requirements was presented. Refinement of the copy will continue. The draft was approved with the following changes:
        1. Under the Social Science requirement move "(U.S. & NV Const.)" after HIST 101, 102 listing under the AA/AS degree and after PSC 103 under the AAS degree. This better clarifies the requirement.
        2. The Electives and Program Requirements under the BA/BS/BAS degree should read," At least forty percent of the total credits required by the major must be upper division."
      2. A list of Fall 2000 courses was distributed to show time distribution and enrollment potential. A couple of discrepancies were discovered and will be or have been addressed by the individual departments.
    9. Personnel Committee - Written report; approved. The committee is currently reviewing applications and interviewing for the Curriculum Specialist Instructional Technology position.
    10. Scholarships and Awards - Written report; approved. The report consisted of minutes for the February, 2000, committee meetings which was unable to be presented at the last senate meeting.
    11. Student Relations Committee - No report
    1. Elementary Education - The program has received 48 applications for admission which include five re-applications. Interviews are being held April 14-15 with admission acceptance final by Saturday afternoon. The committee continues to meet weekly on Wednesday mornings. The committee is currently reconciling the general education requirements to the elementary education program and reviewing current students to ensure they are maintaining a good standing in the program.
    2. Bachelor of Arts in Professional Studies - Written Report; approved.
      1. The direction of study was decided through a system of program balances and curriculum capabilities in relation to student needs and employability skills. It is best described as an "Integrated Studies" program. The committee is available for discussion upon request.
      2. The degree will be founded on the proposed general education core.
      3. Minimal necessary additions to personnel and facilities will be required. However, it was stressed that faculty goals will have to change from faculty-as-teacher to student-as-learner.
      4. A detailed curriculum proposal was presented and is on file. The proposal specifies a Social Studies major due to minimal cost and staff in place with other legs to follow. It is noted that the PRFS prefix identifier used for courses in the proposal is a suggestion to be determined by the Curriculum and Articulation Committee.
      5. The course entitled "Real World Ethics" has been changed to "Professional Ethics."
      6. Faculty are asked to submit courses for the 24 required credit hours of electives portion of the degree program. Twelve of these hours must be upper division courses. Elective courses are only suggestions at this point, however, they will be useful when submitting the program for approval.
      7. The degree will integrate technology through development of a Multimedia Digital Portfolio (MDP) by each student. Kathy and Becky Mollart, two current students at GBC, were present to acknowledge the use of a similar system through their school district and to affirm its relevance for future employment qualifications and marketing. A flow chart was presented outlining a current portfolio utilized by a Charlotte Gogstad of New American College and the various information which can be incorporated.
    3. Bachelor of Applied Science - No Report
    4. Nursing - No Report
  9. OLD BUSINESS: No old business was brought forward.
    1. Kathy Schwandt was unanimously nominated for Vice Chair 2000-2001. Kathy accepted the nomination. The nominations were unanimously closed. In addition to the Vice Chair responsibilities, Kathy will be sitting on Committee W which will be addressing the status of women throughout UCCSN.
    2. Frank Daniels and Joel Shrock were nominated for the Compensation and Benefits Chair position for the 2000-2001 academic year.
      1. In an effort to deal with upcoming issues primarily affecting the Occupational Education department, Bret Murphy wishes to serve on the Compensation and Benefits Committee next year.
    1. Becky Mollart was nominated for the Outstanding Student Award.
    2. Dave Bailey was nominated for the Outstanding Staff Award.
    1. The NFA Faculty Retreat studied the current Faculty Workload Policy. A copy of the proposed revisions was distributed for consideration. No action will be taken at this time.
  13. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 3:50 p.m.