AUGUST 18, 1998
MEMBERS PRESENT: J. Allison, G. Avent, P. Bagley, E. Bateman, J. Blach, R. Byram, J. Cox, F. Daniels, p. Fox, G. Goicoechea, E. Henderson, D. Hoem, C. Hyslop, L. Hyslop, P. Josey, J. Karr, M. Kuhl, M. McFarlane, R. McNally, M. Myrhow, E Nickel, P. Normandie, L. Owens, M. Ports, C. Pyatt, N. Remington, J. Rice, K. Schwandt, G. Smith, J. Smith, J. Stringfield, G. Tenny, M. Van de Ven, P. Warren

  1. ATTENDANCE: Silent roll was taken. Chair Jack Smith declared a quorum present.
  2. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1:15 p.m.
  3. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS : Chair Jack Smith welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the academic year. He introduced Dr. Eric Henderson (Anthropology/Criminal Justice) and Margaret Puccinelli (Nursing) as new instructors; Kathy Schwandt (COT) and Pat Josey (COT) full-time permanent faculty positions; and Duane Hoem temporary director of the Child and Family Center.
  4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the May 8, 1998, meeting were unanimously approved.
  5. SENATE CHAIR REPORT: Chair Jack Smith reported the following:
    1. Board of Regents -
      1. Four-Year Degrees - The board authorized the college to proceed with the planning of their four-year programs. The approval was given in a way to imply authority to plan additional degrees; i.e. Business, Technical Education and others which satisfy the needs of the Elko area.
      2. Compensated Outside Services - The policy being developed by the UCCSN Faculty Senate Chairs is to keep administration informed of the employment activities of contracted Faculty as a courtesy - it is not intended to ask administration permission to pursue extra-curricular employment. As long as the member is adequately fulfilling their contractual obligations and there is no direct conflict of interest with the operation of the college, administration cannot prevent faculty from pursuing outside employment opportunities. In cases where the outside employment is in question, reasonable discussion between administration and the member will take place to resolve the issue. The recommendation of said policy was unanimously supported. The final policy will be brought back to Senate for approval.
      3. Inappropriate Computer Use -
        1. Pornographic Material - Board of Regents declined formulating a policy regarding the regulation of accessing such material with the exception of child pornography. In the absence of a written policy however, UCCSN opens itself to lawsuits under sexual harassment. A policy will be drafted which must protect academic freedom and rights while at the same time preserving them from legal action.
        2. Association of Software Manufacturers - CCSN was recently fined $3 million by an entity representing the ASM for pirating software. There are questions as to the legality of an contracted entity who can come into an organization without a warrant and begin searching computers for illegal software. These searches only include software for those computer manufacturers paying support to the ASM. The computer manufacturers then receive a portion of the fine received. Faculty are strongly advised to keep invoices of all purchased software and to inform Technical Computing of purchases.
    2. Reynolds Grant - Mike McFarlane, Sarah Sweetwater, and John Rice have been selected to represent the faculty on the campus enhancement project which is expected to last three years. They are excused from service to other senate committees if they choose. Mike McFarlane is willing to continue service to a Senate committee. In order to receive the grant, the college must have in place a $908,000 endowment to maintain the enhancement once completed. The Foundation will be pursuing this actively.
    3. Elementary Degree Program - Three meetings have been held regarding the development of the program. Those faculty who fulfilled the much needed obligation to contribute to the early stages of this planning process are congratulated. There was poor faculty representation and participation at the meetings overall. It was stressed that this is a campus-wide initiative to develop elementary school teachers who are not simply trained but educated. Chair Jack Smith wants to see a heavier representation of all subject fields at these planning meetings. He stated, "The Faculty are the substance of the college........we are not going to do exactly what has been done at UNR and UNLV and most of the other colleges of education. It is going to be a small program, it is going to be a good program. Expressing an opinion doesn't require that everyone agree with what you say. I believe that talking things out is wonderful because others have good ideas." Items discussed:
      1. Educating students in the competencies of English and math to the appropriate functioning levels.
      2. Value the GBC AS degree.
    4. Committee Assignments - Each faculty member should have received a sheet to fill out their preferences for committee assignments. Faculty will be informed late next week of committee assignments.
      1. Senate would like the Chair to propose to administration a credit reduction for those committees which have an active schedule. The reductions would be allotted on an as needed basis.
    5. Vice President Elliott would like to change the titles of faculty to professor status. A similar proposal was approved by the Senate and the Board of Regents. Research will be done to find the exact content of the approval and Vice President Elliott will be notified of the findings.
      1. According to record, position in favor of Professor title at community colleges was unanimously accepted by NNCC Faculty Senate on February 22, 1980, Mark Melrose presiding. Reintroduced to Faculty by Dr. Charles Greenhaw on October 13, 1989, Mike McFarlane presiding.

        The summary reads as follows:

        A large number of community college students are pursuing an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree with the intent of transferring to a four-year university. If these students could instead take lower-division courses at universities from Professors, and if our curriculum is equivalent to that of a university, why should we at the community college not be Professors?

        We must maintain academic credibility with our peers and community. Th Professor title would provide a favorable image.

        The title of Professor would give a clear indication that community colleges are more than just extensions of high school vocation/technical programs.

        The title of Professor would influence how we re perceived when communicating with members of other colleges and universities. It would lend a degree of respect; command a superior image.


        The creation of Professor titles for instructors at community colleges would:

        1. Be of no financial cost.
        2. Increase the pride of the community in the college.
        3. Raise morale and devotion to academic excellence of the staff.
        4. Assist in pride of indentification and creation of esprit de corps with the student body.

        Mike McFarlane reported on March 9, 1990, that the proposal passed the Board of Regents:
        Mike reported that it was approved at the last Regents meeting that individuals may opt to have the titles of Community College Professor once they have achieved tenure. A motion was made and seconded to recommend to Dr. Remington that the title of Community College Professor be bestowed on all NNCC tenured faculty. Motion passed. Mike noted that this title may not be used in salary comparison with university personnel.
    6. Committee Work Verification - Committees are requested to keep written records of meetings which indicate those present and absent. This is to assure the contribution of each committee member and assist in the faculty evaluation process. A motion was forwarded and unanimously passed in favor of the request.
    7. Student Evaluations - An assignment was given to the Faculty and Administrative Evaluations Committee to rethink the current student evaluation form.
    8. Staff Recognition Procedure - Chair Jack Smith would like to send out requests for recommendations by administration regarding outstanding classified staff. This procedure is an effort to have a more organized process and give faculty a chance to recognize those with whom they rarely come into contact. The recommendations will be collected at reasonable intervals and brought before Senate.
  6. COMMITTEE REPORTS: No committee reports were required.
    1. Congratulations were brought forward for John Patrick Rice who recently wed.
    1. Best wishes to Sarah Sweetwater's daughter who was air lifted to Salt Lake City after complications from child birth. The daughter is home and improving. More tests will be necessary.
    2. Orientation Week begins August 31. Everyone is encouraged to turn out and support the activities.
    3. A tour of Newmont will be given August 26. All interested parties should contact Vice President Elliott.
  9. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 2:27 p.m..