Friday, August 26, 2005

Members Present: P. Anderson, P. Bagley, S. Baker, S. Baker, R. Barton, S. Bentley, B. Billington, D. Bolinder, C. Bruno, A. Chaffin, J. Cox, F. Daniels, K. Dannehl, T. Delong, X. Du, D. Ellefsen, D. Elmore, G. Goicoechea, G. Heberer, L. Heise, S. Hennefer, T. Howell, C. Hyslop, L. Hyslop, D. Jones, P. Jones, J. Kempster, A. Kincaid, J. King, P. Klem, J. Larson, K. Laxalt, J. Licht, L. Macfarlan, K. Martin, L. McCarty, K. Miller, D. Moore, J. Moore, K. Mowrey, S. Negrete, S. Nielsen, L. Owens, M. Ports, M. Puccinelli, J. Rice, J. Rosenthal, S. Sanders, K. Schwandt, E. Seastedt, J. Shaw, R. Siler, G. Skivington, J. Smith, S. Stevenson, G. Sundseth, G.Tenney, S.Thomson, L. Uhlenkott, B. Wallace, S. Wallace, L. Walsh, P. Warren

Others Present: Vice President for Academic Affairs Mike McFarlane, Joy Redfern, adjunct

  1. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1:18 p.m. Chair Uhlenkott declared a quorum present. One verbal proxy vote was noted.
  2. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS: Chair Uhlenkott welcomed everyone to the Senate. James Elithorpe, Scott Hennefer, and Thomas Broadway from the Winnemucca Campus were introduced by the Career and Technical Department. Kevin Laxalt joins the English Department on the Ely Campus. The Foundation welcomed Sandra Baker. Amy Chaffin is the newest instructor in the Nursing Department. Caroline Bruno can be found in the Science Department. Laurie Walsh teaches anthropology for the Social Science Department. Scott Nielsen has moved to Student Services as the new Student Financial Services Director.
  3. Pat Anderson: Pat Anderson presented a short recap of security issues.
    1. Call boxes – In direct response to the faculty's concern for emergency assistance, especially in the evenings, call boxes have been installed in all the main buildings on campus; there is one between the Music and Arts Annex. It is the same basic system as the old brown boxes; however it does not have the tape delay system and location indicator. You will have to state your location. We are having technical difficulty with some of the call boxes that should be corrected by the end of September according to our local provider. The additional call boxes should provide quicker response to your needs or that of the students.
  4. Jeff Cox: Jeff provided an explanation for the upcoming change in the email accounts and the function of the Technology Help Desk
    1. Email Account change—Jeff explained that the number “1” in the current email addresses has created confusion for several GroupWise users. The new format will be your first name, followed by the first initial of your last name. If there are any duplicates, a “2” or “3” will be added on the end. The number “1” will not be used. Old email addresses will still be forwarded to your mailbox. If you have difficulty with mail being forwarded, contact the help desk. Accounts are set up from the phone list, but if you want something different contact Walt Fisk. Initially, if you have difficulty logging into Novell, use your new e-mail address; your password will remain the same. September 9th is the date set for completion of the project for everyone who has a Group Wise account. Changing business cards or stationery is not necessary, as current e-mail address will be forwarded to the new mailbox.
    2. Help Desk –The Help Desk is located in the High Tech Center where the switchboard was located. The switchboard is in Berg Hall. The Help Desk number is 753-2167. Software is set up to create a ticket if you go to You will receive an email confirmation of your work order and have the ability to know which tech will process your work order. If you have questions that not listed on the ticket, just call for assistance.
  5. Lisa Heise: The Foundation is busy with preparations for their annual audit, which is near completion. Lisa explained the accounting and tax ramifications of contributions.
    1. In-Kind contributions – before speaking to potential donors about accepting non-cash items, whether it is books, equipment, etc., speak to the Foundation or the college administration as there are accounting issues associated with these contributions that may have an adverse effect for the donor or the college. The I.R.S. has stringent rules in the handling of these transactions. Be cautious about saying that this is a deduction because the college is a non-profit organization. We are not aware of the donor's individual tax status. The Foundation's recommendation is for the donor to seek advice from their tax advisor. It is also important that the Foundation track these donations in the data base for recognition and accounting purposes.
  6. John Rice: John reported on the Great Basin Festival activities scheduled for the week of September 19th to Friday, the 23rd.
    1. The scheduled events begin Monday, September 19, with a presentation of photographs and a lecture from Peter Goin, a member of the UNR art faculty and a writer of several books on the environment, landscape of the west, and most recently a book, Doubtful River about the Truckee River from Pyramid Lake.
    2. On Tuesday, the Western Shoshone are giving a presentation on the spiritual value and connection of water to their culture which is relevant to the theme of this year's festival “Water in the West.” A snow dance demonstration will be presented that evening.
    3. Ron Remington will be the moderator of the forum consisting of several panel members on Wednesday night that will address water use and policy issues in the west. Many issues and diverse views will be presented which should make this a very interesting evening.
    4. On Thursday evening, there will be a screening of the film “Running Dry”, directed by Jim Tabo, which addresses worldwide water consumption issues with a focus on the current situation with Las Vegas. A forum regarding the Southern Nevada Water Authority's plan to access and transport water from northern Nevada to Las Vegas will follow the screening.
    5. Friday will focus on fun, rather than water issues. A Reggae Band, “Insatiable Ska” will perform a free concert in the amphitheatre and the Balloon Glow will be held in the parking lot again this year.
  7. Mike McFarlane – The Vice-President for Academic Affairs recapped the highlights of 2004 and the goals, policies and issues facing the 2005-2006 Faculty.
    1. The theme of this year's Great Basin Festival is an excellent one, and it would be advantageous for us to plan to include the themes of the festival in our curriculum and seminars in the future. The Great Basin is defined by water.
    2. Mike will attend Faculty Senate whenever he is requested to address an issue.
    3. 2004 was a very good year. It is important that the Senate and the office of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs continue work together to hash out the issues as the accomplishments of last year were:
      1. Workload Policy
      2. Student Evaluation form was changed
      3. The Academic Standards established a grading policy
      4. Several new hires
      5. The Curriculum and Articulation Committee was very busy. Two new Bachelors degrees came on line last year, the Bachelor of Science-Nursing and Secondary Education, which is a significant change. GBC is gaining respect from Northwest indicated by their response to the BSN with approval of the program with “no significant change” reported.
    4. Goals for 2005:
      1. Scheduling – Mike will be meeting with Department Chairs next week to address the spring 2006 semester. Predictable schedules will assist the rollover process and help us to sustain general education and program requirements. We should be able to predict when classes will be four years out.
      2. On-line programs -- It is a survival issue, as the students are using this method to facilitate their education and will go elsewhere to get it if we do not provide it.
      3. There is concern over FTE –Figures are down a little, but there are some programs in the works to remedy the situation. New student enrollments are up, but it is the non-declared returning student that should be the focus for improvement. Orientation of 250 new students is significant. It is a college-wide coordinated effort to ensure retention.
      4. Distance Education program needs further development to be predictable in the times and locations for course offerings.
      5. Evaluation process – The Evaluation Committee and Mike need better criteria to respond to the faculty goals. Completion of the student evaluation last year is going to be a big asset.
      6. Retention—Some Departments contacted students to find out what plans the student had for this semester and offered recommendations and suggestions to the students to overcome their fears and concerns. Personal contact with the students has proven to be successful for retention this semester.
      7. New programs – the focus is on technology: radiology technology, media arts, broadcast technology, fire science, and underground miner.
      8. Define travel classes.
      9. Class caps – Follow up on the workload policy developed last year.
      10. Define shared governance – What it is, and how it is brought to be?
      11. New building – Facilities Committee will be busy with room utilization with the completion of the new building.
      12. Mentoring for leadership – Develop our own.
      13. Build stronger bridges with the high schools.
    5. Crisis Management is uncomfortable for everyone. Mike requested faculty to review the wait lists, and encourage students to enroll, to secure retention for next semester. All suggestions are welcomed.
    6. Driver Education – GBC will furnish on-line instruction (TT 109B) for Elko and Humboldt County School Districts. White Pine and Eureka will be eligible to participate, but they have no Driver Education in their curriculum currently. This will be the state required classroom portion. The driving sections will be contracted out to the former high school instructors.
    7. Held Harmless – GBC will not get this a second time. FTE must be increased.
    8. Open Door Policy – Mike will continue this policy with the faculty this year.
  8. Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the May 13, 2005, meeting was unanimously approved.
  9. Senate Chair Report: Chair Uhlenkott provided a written report to Senate.
    1. Career Focus Magazine— A copy was sent to every household in our service area in July with the hope that the stories would have a positive impact on readers. There were a few responses.
    2. The Underground Miner training is a partnership program between Great Basin College and some of the area mines. Currently, it is a certificate program that would train people to become underground miners. It may become an international program.
    3. Scheduling deadline for spring is September 18. March is the deadline for fall 2006.
    4. Raising FTE – This has become a standing item on the PC agenda. If you have any ideas, please pass them on. One of the concerns is that we think in terms of programs as well as classes. Sarah Negrete had suggested that the college go to South Side Elementary to help boost enrollments from that segment of the community that is afraid to come to the campus.
    5. Assessment Testing – President's Council has agreed to pay for institutional assessment tests to measure critical thinking, social studies, reading, writing, math, etc. These would allow us to measure ourselves against community colleges nationally. Although such tests would not have an impact on a student's ability to graduate, we would make taking the test a part of the paperwork for graduation.
      1. Garry Heberer mentioned two companies that offer these assessments and might be a good match for our institution; the selection is not finalized. One concern is having the students take the assessment seriously. Local data would be put against national norms and comparable institutions. It would be good to implement the testing this year and then fives years later to see if we have progressed, especially in general education outcomes. This should have been done before the general education guidelines were revised so we could measure the effectiveness of the changes already instituted.
      2. Diane Elmore, Assessment Committee Chair, addressed the question if this was a duplication of the Assessment Committee's goals last year. She thanked the faculty for changes in syllabi defining outcomes as requested by the committee. However, defining measurements with the proper assignments used will need modification. Current baseline information, showing how we measure up to similar institutions, would dictate how much change is necessary now.
      3. Concerns about redesigning courses to meet a standardized test were expressed. Chair Uhlenkott stated that was not the intention of the testing. Diane Elmore reiterated that the advantage of using a standardized test gives us the ability to measure our institution against other colleges. Our own institution could develop a test, but we would lose the basis of comparison.
      4. Questions regarding the validity of the measurement if the student does not have a stake in the exam were expressed. Diane Elmore said that all legitimate concerns will be explored by checking methods other institutions employ to get a reliable response for the testing. It was mentioned that students who do poorly on these tests, because they have no stake, might do well on state board examinations for licensure. The sustainability of the nursing program is measured by the pass/fail rates of the students in the program through the national registered nurse standardized test.
      5. Chair Uhlenkott stated that the discussion on this topic would continue throughout the year.
    6. Travel –Department Heads will now approve in-state travel for department members. Anyone who has signature authority must have travel forms signed by someone on the next highest level.
    7. Faculty workdays – It was requested, during the August 2003 meeting, that two days at the beginning of each semester, be scheduled as workdays. This semester, although several in-service meetings scheduled, few of those were required. Faculty could choose their workdays. Safety meetings will be scheduled throughout the semester. Pat Anderson agreed with the “sense of the Senate” not to schedule safety meetings the week faculty returns for the semester.
    8. Advising – faculty has been assigned advisees and was asked to contact advisees by phone. Some issues about the lists have not been resolved. There will be more discussion about the process of contacting advisees. Advisors are needed for tomorrow's orientation.
    9. Board of Regents – Bret Whipple was elected chair for the 2005-2006 year; Dorothy Gallagher is the vice chair.
    10. Pay Increases – 2005-2006 was approved for 2.5% merit, 2% COLA; 4% COLA and 2.5% merit for 2006-2007.
    11. Institutional Bylaws – One of the biggest issues concerning faculty is an ongoing discussion about how institutional bylaws are approved by the Board of Regents. Faculty Senate chairs asked to have an item removed from the consent agenda which would allow the chancellor to approve changes in institutional bylaws without the changes being reviewed by the Board of Regents. Senate chairs believe that such a change gives too much power to the chancellor with little benefit to institutions. The chairs will meet with Dan Klaich, system council, to discuss the issue before the September Board of Regents meeting.
    12. Action Items – Chair Uhlenkott requested a vote on two items:
      1. Approval of the Senate Committees – Committee Co-Chairs positions; realigning ex-officio positions, the deletion of JDRobinson and John Nolan from the roster were completed. The exemption of Mardell Wilkins to serve on a committee; and the omission and correction of Dorothy Moore and Lisa Frazier to serve on the Adjunct Faculty Committee were noted. A question arose over the inclusion of grant-funded positions serving on committees, but Chair Uhlenkott advised that Mike McFarlane stated they are included and she would verify the information. A motion was made and passed to accept the 2005-2006 Senate Committees Roster as corrected.
      2. Adjunct Faculty Bylaws change—Adjunct faculty has asked to be changed from an ad hoc to a standing committee. This is a two-month process. It is brought before the Senate this month for application and discussion, and the vote will be brought before the Senate during September's meeting. This item will appear under New Business.
  10. Committee Reports:
    1. Academic Standards – Action – Written report – Approved, with 1 opposed, the Academic Calendar 2007-2008, 2008-2009. There was discussion to adjust the campus calendar Wednesday before Thanksgiving because of safety concerns for student and faculty. No action was taken on this item. GBC's policy is that the break will occur the last full week in March, regardless if this coincides with the Elko County School District.
    2. Adjunct Faculty – No report
    3. Assessment Committee – No report
    4. Budget and Facilities – No report
    5. Bylaws – No report
    6. Compensation and Benefits –Verbal report –Information only. Limited funds for training, travel and professional development.
    7. Curriculum and Articulation – Action. -Approved unanimously the submission of the TT109B- Driver Education Course.
    8. Department Chairs – Verbal report – Information only – Department Chairs met with Vice President for Academic Affairs and were advised of the changes in travel procedures, budgets, overload pay, and department purchase order processing. Pauline Fisher was introduced as the new Interactive Video Coordinator. On line syllabus submission was requested and scheduling concerns for IAV should be directed to the department chairs before the scheduling meeting. The committee will focus on sabbatical and tenure standardization. Advising and class caps were also addressed. A demonstration was given by John Newman regarding skype, a system for internet telephone communication.
    9. Distance Education – No report
    10. Faculty and Administrative Evaluations – No report
    11. Library – No report
    12. Personnel – Verbal report – Information only
      1. Tenure and Sabbatical leave policy has been revised to reflect more substance and current language from the system policy. It will be an agenda item for the next Personnel Committee meeting and brought before Faculty Senate. This must be completed by October or November.
      2. Position Recruitment Update -
        Open Faculty Positions: Status:
        Nursing (2) 1 position is left over and 1 must be filled before the year or it is lost. (Grant funded)
        Radiology Technologist Perkins funded
        History/ Political Science position in Winnemucca to be revisited
        GIS/COT In progress
        Diesel Tech In progress – Perkins funded
        Biology on hold
        Music Instructor
        Native American Studies
    13. Student Relations – No report
    1. Bachelor of Applied Science – No report
    2. Bachelor of Arts in Integrated and Professional Studies – Verbal report – Information only –Six new students in the program, proceeding with AHA, making it more inclusive.
    3. Bachelor of Science in Nursing – Verbal report – Information only – 12 students in the program which started in January. Five are starting on Monday. Offering 1one or two courses for individuals, not in the program, but for qualified RN's in the community this spring. The department is re-evaluating admissions criteria and time limits on pre-requisite courses.
    4. Bachelor of Social Work – no report
    5. Elementary and Secondary Education – No report
    1. Secretary of the Senate- Action- The nomination of Lynette Macfarlan for this position was accepted unanimously.
    2. Adjunct Faculty - “This committee discusses issues concerning adjunct faculty and brings them before the Faculty Senate for consideration. The committee's membership shall include representatives from the main campus sites; at least two of the representatives shall be employed principally as adjunct faculty—not as staff. The Deputy to the President shall be an ex-officio member of this committee.” This will be voted on at the next meeting. There was a request to change the wording of “Deputy to the President” to the administrator with the responsibility for adjunct faculty, as responsibilities of the administrators may change. This would eliminate revision in the future. Questions regarding the difference between an “ad hoc” and a “standing” committee, the number of votes assigned to an adjunct standing committee were explained, as well as the number of adjunct faculty this committee would represent. Due to the number of adjunct faculty, standing representation might be appropriate.
    1. Refreshments in September – Kevin Laxalt and Frank Daniels will provide refreshments with a theme from the Ely campus.
  14. PUBLIC COMMENT: No public comments were made.
  15. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 2:44 p.m.