April 17, 1998

MEMBERS PRESENT: J. Allison, G. Avent, E. Bateman, J. Blach, R. Byram, J. Cox, J. Emerson, M. Fenger, P. Fox, G. Goicoechea, M. Harper-Harrison, L. Hyslop, P. Josey, M. Kuhl, K. Martin, E. McCombs, M. McFarlane, R. McNally, M. Myrhow, P. Normandie, L. Owens, M. Ports, C. Pyatt, J. Rice, J. Sallaberry, R. Siler, G. Smith, J. Smith, P. Smith, J. Stringfield, M.Swetich, G. Tenney, M. Van de Ven, G. Whitcomb, J. Williams

GUEST: Bettie Rundlett, Area Health Education Center

  1. ATTENDANCE: Silent roll was taken. Chair Marilee Kuhl declared a quorum present.

  2. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1:20 p.m.

  3. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS: Chair Marilee Kuhl welcomed everyone to the meeting.

  4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the March 20, 1998, meeting were unanimously approved.

  5. SENATE CHAIR REPORT: Chair Marilee Kuhl reported the following:

    1. Donald W. Reynolds Foundation Grant for Campus Enhancement Project- Representatives will be on campus May 4 - 5. All GBC employees will be receiving information about the project; there will be a campus-wide meeting on April 24.
    2. The Chancellor has asked for input from faculty through the Council of Faculty Senate Chairs regarding Title 4, Chapter 3, section 6 Compensated Outside Professional Services in the Board of Regents Handbook. The Council of Faculty Senate Chairs sent a letter to the Chancellor suggesting that item 2 concerning "Full time Faculty Only" be deleted from the proposed amendment as it would require substantial re-writing. (GBC Senate agreed with this.)
    3. UCCSN Computing Resources Policy authored by Karl Armstrong, Assistant General Council has been circulated for review prior to approval. (After discussion today GBC Faculty recommended that we invite Mr. Armstrong or his designate to GBC to explain the policy and answer concerns. Marilee will draft a letter.)
    4. GBC Catalog Update - Review the recent copy of changes and revisions and forward comments to Lynn Mahlberg.
    5. Proposal for Delegation of Certain Personnel Actions to Campus Presidents - the following are being recommended by Chancellor Jarvis shifting responsibility from Board of Regents to individual campus Presidents.(After brief discussion the GBC Faculty Senate agreed with this proposal.):
      1. Promotion of university faculty to ranks 3 and 4
      2. Sabbatical leave recipients
      3. Appointment of Emeritus/Emerita Faculty
    6. "Summary of Proposed Transfer Policy Initiatives" is being circulated and will be on the Board of Regents meeting April 30 and May 1. The policy initiatives would seem to ensure greater articulation with the universities (AAA and AAS degrees would automatically fulfill the lower division general education requirements for UNR and UNLV.) Information will be posted on the web site and in the catalog for "students, parents, faculty and legislators.")
    1. Academic Standards/ Articulation and Curriculum - Written report submitted; approved. May 1 deadline for catalog submissions.
    2. Budget - None
    3. Compensation and Benefits - None
    4. Distance Education - Written report submitted; approved
    5. Facilities - No written report submitted; LRC stacks and seating will be increased in McMullen remodel with decreased office and classroom space. Publicity is necessary to inform as many individuals as possible of the upcoming LRC closure for next year.
    6. Faculty and Administrative Evaluations - Written report submitted; No action taken - decision pending.
      1. The contents of official personnel files with regards to student complaints and their statute of limitations was discussed. The GBC catalog states that action on complaints must take place within 45 days from the date the complaint is issued. The Vice President for Academic Affairs will initiate the proper grievance procedure. The faculty member will be contacted by the Vice President's office that a complaint has been received. Vice President Elliott has stated that she will not maintain records regarding student complaints longer than is appropriate. It was recommended that a disclaimer be added to course syllabi maintaining that concerns must first be received by the instructor.
      2. Faculty evaluations are regularly conducted by the Vice President for Academic Affairs and consist of student evaluations, class visitations, individual goals and the standard evaluation form. It was suggested that the present evaluation form does not have appropriate space for constructive criticism, therefore leaving little explanation for valid ratings.
      3. Beginning in the next academic year, faculty will review evaluation forms and possibly revise forms to ensure objectivity. The rating system will be addressed.
    7. Personnel - No written report submitted. The committee will begin reviewing applications for the temporary replacement of Marilee Harper-Harrison during her leave of absence. The cut-off date for the upcoming four faculty positions is April 30.
    8. Scholarship and Awards - Written report submitted; Star Night, May 8, 7 p.m., GBC Theatre.
    9. Student Relations - No written report submitted; Candidate forms are available for ASB officers. Any continuing student is eligible for an officer position. Students who are enrolling for the first time in the fall are eligible for a senator position.
    10. Four-year Degrees - No written report submitted. Two consultants from Education Alliance were on campus April 6 and 7, to give assistance and recommendations as we pursue select four-year programs. Discussion followed regarding investigation of tri-semester programs at GBC. Faculty expressed interest in exploring this option.
    1. COT Computer Education Proposal - The COT proposes that a written suggestion be placed on page 40 of the college catalog to read that the department strongly recommends that students obtain computer training prior to graduation. The motion passed 22:4.
    1. Betty Rundlett (AHEC) on behalf of UNLV requested that the seven Elko graduates of the 2+2 BSN program participate with the GBC graduation ceremony on May 16 so that family and friends may attend. Senate was in favor of the suggestion. Chancellor Jarvis will award the diplomas.
    2. Election of Officers - Nominations will remain open until May 4.
      1. Eric Bateman nominated for Chair Elect
      2. Martha Fenger nominated for Compensation and Benefits Committee Chair
    1. A Four Play Reading Series will take place April 29 - May 2. "Lysistrada", "Glory in the Flower", "Fool for Love", and "Cinderella Wore Army Boots" (American Sign Language Class to act and sign) will be performed. Performances are free, contributions will be welcomed.
    2. Wellness Committee - Would like suggestions for increased participation with activities. Any and all comments will be welcomed.
    3. Child and Family Center will be participating in the National Week of the Young Child April 20 - 24. Events include a Trike-A-Thon on Monday in the Theatre parking lot and a music/ reading program on Saturday morning.
  10. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 3:04 PM. Next meeting will be held Friday, May 8, 1998, at 10:30 AM in HSCI 111.