December 10, 2004

Members Present: G. Avent, S. Baker, S. Bentley, J. Cox, F. Daniels, K. Dannehl, S. Ehrmann, D. Ellefsen, J. Emerson, P. Fisher, P. Fox, L. Frazier, G. Goicoechea, G. Heberer, B. Hofland, M. Howell, C. Hyslop, L. Hyslop, R. Kampf, P. Klem, M. Kuhl, J. Larson, K. Martin, R. McNally, K. Miller, K. Mowrey, B. Murphy, S. Negrete, S. Nielsen, M. Puccinelli, C. Pyatt, J. Rice, S. Ridley-Stevens, B. Robertson, S. Rombough, J. Rosenthal, S. Sanders, K. Schwandt, R. Siler, G. Skivington, G. Smith, P. Smith, G. Tenney, L. Uhlenkott, M. Urain, B. Wallace, P. Warren

Others Present: Regent Dorothy Gallagher, President Paul Killpatrick, Vice President for Academic Affairs Mike McFarlane, Administrative Assistant II Annie Ulrich

  1. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1:23 p.m. Chair Schwandt declared a quorum present. Two proxy votes were noted.
  2. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS: Chair Schwandt welcomed everyone to Senate.
  3. REGENT DOROTHY GALLAGHER: Ms. Gallagher won the election for Regent in November. Regent Gallagher requested to address faculty regarding past events surrounding former GBC President Ron Remington at the Community College of Southern Nevada. She commended the faculty on their performance, both past and present, regarding their role in providing education to the service area. Regent Gallagher apologized, however, for the faculty's inability to escape the tension caused by the events at CCSN. The battle was clearly between the Board of Regents and a system president. When confronted with such a situation, it is advisable to remain clear of becoming heavily involved. Dr. Remington and Regent Gallagher enjoyed a long working relationship. She stated that she had advised Dr. Remington to forego the employment opportunity at CCSN because of history concerning the outcomes for past institutional presidents in the Las Vegas area. Despite her “great age,” she assured faculty that she will continue to serve the institution to the best of her ability. Regent Gallagher thanked the faculty for the opportunity extended. Regent Gallagher and President Killpatrick dismissed themselves from the meeting.
  4. UNITED WAY OF ELKO: Sheilagh Gillies of the United Way visited with faculty to speak about the employee giving campaign. The United Way has been successful in providing several support services and resources to the community including the Boys & Girls Club, Horizon Hospice, Senior Citizens Centers, the Igloo Sports Center, the N.E.A.T. bus system, Meals on Wheels, P.A.C.E. Coalition, foster families and the Carlin Clinic (for the uninsured). The local office is answerable to the local community; therefore, the community is encouraged to be involved in the priorities for giving. The United Way thanks the participation of the faculty and employees of Great Basin College which greatly assisted United Way of Elko in garnering a position of twelfth in giving increase for the nation in the past year.
  5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the November 19, 2004 meeting were unanimously approved.
  6. SENATE CHAIR REPORT: Chair Schwandt provided a written report to Senate.
    1. Department Chairs – The e-mail vote held on November 24 resulted in the passage (37:1) of the Faculty Senate Bylaws making Department Chairs a standing Senate committee.
    2. Academic Calendar Guidelines – The guidelines including the approved spring start date were signed off by the President and will be incorporated into the GBC Policy and Procedure guide.
    3. Student Relations – The proposal to separate the committee into the Student Relations Committee and the Scholarship Committee was tabled at the request of the committee. The proposal is anticipated to come before Senate at the January meeting.
    4. GBIA – The Senate endorsement of the Great Basin Indian Archive as a long-term GBC function was given to President Killpatrick and GBIA Director Shayne Del Cohen.
    5. Domestic Violence through the Workplace – Summer Ehrmann of the GBC Foundation will speak to the faculty regarding the initiative of the Minnesota Center Against Violence and Abuse and will be seeking volunteers.
    6. Acumen – The Follett Newsletter provides interesting information on textbook pricing and ordering to benefit students. Textbook pricing continues to be an item of discussion at Board of Regents.
    7. Board of Regents –
      1. Elko Clinic Lease – A ten-year, no-cost Lease of the former Elko Clinic property has been approved. The lease of the facility will “establish an underserved health professions training center and clinic in Elko. The unit will ultimately support a training program for Radiology Technology Students, Medical Students, a possible rural training track for Family Medicine Residents (and other Medical Residents [from UNR]), a rural training site for Nursing, Dental Students and Residents and establish a Dental Clinic, a Federally Qualified Health Center and possible Veterans Clinic” (BoR Briefing Paper, pg. 1, Goal). The lease documents are available upon request for review.
      2. BSN – The degree was approved by ARSA and the full Board. Extensive discussion surrounding the program was heard.
      3. Board Approval of Degree Emphases and Concentrations – ARSA determined that new emphases or concentrations within degree programs do not require Board approval except within the Bachelor of Applied Science degree.
      4. Nevada State Board of Education – A verbal report on the P-16 Council activities was presented at the meeting. Dual enrollment issues and tech prep issues were discussed in brief with no determinations made. Faculty is encouraged to read the synopsis provided. There have been questions regarding dual credit surrounding ENG 101/102 and HIST 101/102 courses. The confusion appears to be in the terminology used by the school district in referencing how the grades are processed and the credits accepted toward high school graduation.
      5. Elko County School District Joint Facility – A request for approval was presented by President Killpatrick to enter a partnership lease with the Elko County School District for the purposes of showing, inspecting and judging agriculture animals. The proposed property is currently part of the Elko County Fairgrounds which is located adjacent to the GBC-Elko campus.
      6. President Killpatrick – The Board of Regents heard the evaluation of President Paul Killpatrick awarding him a new contract which included tenure and a salary increase.
    8. Academic Standards Committee – Dr. Stephen Baker was unanimously approved for membership on the Academic Standards Committee. Dr. Baker will replace Dr. Leonardo Sanchez who parted from the college earlier in the semester. Dr. Baker will continue to serve on the Student Relations Committee.
    1. Academic Standards – Written report; approved.
      1. The committee heard argument for development of a one-credit, pass only portfolio development course for those students wishing to obtain credit for experiential learning. Currently several forms are in place by Admissions and Records to request the credit; however, there is little background information required on the forms to substantiate the request. The course would place the responsibility for substantiation on the student and will provide the college with a standardized format for evaluation. Senate questioned the viability and need for this measure and requested that the committee look at the possibility of credit through testing. However, the need to accurately prove that the experience received equates to the instruction provided will ultimately benefit the institution. The course will need only be taken one time to acquaint the student with the expectations and will appear on the transcript along with any approved course credit. The individual department(s) will ultimately have the final determination on any credits the student receives. A motion was made and approved (one opposed) for Prof. Susanne Bentley to develop a course syllabus based on the discussion provided to be submitted to the Curriculum and Articulation Committee for approval.
      2. The committee discussed adherence to the established final exam schedule. It was noted that courses held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays were not accounted for on the schedule and this will be addressed next semester. Issues concerning the final exam schedule should be brought to the committee. Under discussion is institution of a “dead week” the week prior to final's wherein no testing may be held. Faculty were reminded that per accreditation standards, there must be 16 weeks of instruction.
    2. Adjunct Faculty – No report.
    3. Assessment – Written report; information only.
      1. A process and rubric for the all-day assessment workshop was provided to faculty. The workshop will be conducted by the committee members and will not be open to faculty as a whole. The committee will review all general education objectives, course objectives and program objectives for elected courses and programs.
      2. Three INT 100 – GBC Orientation sessions are scheduled prior to semester start. Faculty is encouraged to attend in order to provide advising. Faculty may sign up through Linda Uhlenkott.
      3. BAIPS will be hosting a recruiting luncheon during the Saturday, January 15 session of INT 100. Students interested in the program are welcome to attend.
    4. Budget and Facilities – Written report; information only. Vice President for Administrative Services Carl Diekhans has released $225,000 in equipment monies for distribution. The deadline for requests is February 1 with anticipated distribution of the funds by February 15.
    5. Bylaws – No report.
    6. Compensation and Benefits – Oral report; information only. The committee is considering several requests for travel money. Faculty is advised that travel funds are becoming extremely limited and requests should be brought forward at the earliest possible convenience.
    7. Curriculum and Articulation – Written report; approved.
      1. Bachelor of Arts in Secondary Education – All concentration areas were reviewed independently and Senate approval is recommended. A motion was made and unanimously approved to accept the Bachelor of Arts in Secondary Education. Students are strongly encouraged to seek advising for their preferred endorsement area. Standards were set in accordance with NV Board of Education requirements.
        1. The Career and Technical Education endorsement of the BA in Secondary Education was unanimously approved.
        2. The Social Science endorsement of the BA in Secondary Education was unanimously approved.
        3. The Biology/Science endorsement of the BA in Secondary Education was unanimously approved.
        4. The Mathematics endorsement of the BA in Secondary Education was unanimously approved.
      2. THA 113 was changed to COM 113 as part of common course numbering.
      3. NURS 302 – Portfolio Examination course was unanimously approved.
      4. SPAN 401 and SPAN 305 were tabled as recommended by the committee.
      5. AGR 210 and AGR 290 were unanimously approved with the AGR 290 as a variable 1-3 credit course.
      6. NRS 215 was unanimously approved. The BAIPS Committee will consider the course for their resource management concentration area.
      7. The Business Department has requested that the computer technology emphasis currently part of the ASS in Business Administration be discontinued as it is repetitious of the CIT Office Technology program. Students currently in the computer technology emphasis will be supported to the completion of their degree. The request to discontinue the computer technology emphasis of the AAS degree was unanimously approved.
      8. In replacement of the computer technology emphasis, the Business Department proposes an emphasis area in Entrepreneurship. The AAS in Entrepreneurship was unanimously approved.
      9. The Business Department proposes a Certificate of Achievement program. This program is supported by the Western Association of Food Chains which have identified 414 potential students in the GBC service area working for Albertson's, Raley's, Smith's and Sav-On. These businesses will reimburse their employees' tuition in order to promote in-place for supervisory positions. The Certificate of Achievement program was unanimously approved.
      10. ART 392 was tabled by committee recommendation.
      11. The committee is holding SPAN 211, SPAN 212, NURS 335, NURS 336, NUTR 121 and ECON 317 for common course numbering changes according to the notification procedure to other institutions. This is a technicality and these courses should be brought forward for approval at the next Senate meeting.
      12. The Associate of Arts in Teaching math requirements were questioned at the last full Senate meeting. Consultation with the math department resolved those questions with the program standing as presented. Students, depending on their educational goals, may take MATH 120 or six credits at MATH 126 or higher. A motion was made and unanimously approved to accept the Associate of Arts in Teaching program.
      13. The committee is referred various common course numbering questions to individual departments. The committee requests that information regarding the courses be brought to their attention at their earliest convenience.
    8. Department Chairs – No report
    9. Distance Education – Oral report; information only. The committee continues to work on the three-year distance education plan in terms of workload. The committee plans to report on this issue at the January meeting.
    10. Personnel – Oral Report; information only.
      1. Sabbatical applications have been reviewed with Richard Kampf and Patty Fox awarded sabbatical for the 2005-2006 academic year.
      2. Tenure applications will be evaluated by Administration December 10-25.
      3. There are currently 10 positions in various stages of advertisement. Hiring committees are in the process of reviewing application packets. The Ely position and the Education position will be interviewed prior to semester end. The committee thanks all members of the various hiring committees for their good work.
    11. Student Relations – No report.
    1. BAS – Verbal report; information only. The program has eight students graduating at the close of the semester. Within those eight are the first graduates from Battle Mountain and Winnemucca. Expected total graduates for the academic year is 20. The committee will continue recruitment efforts.
    2. BAIPS – Verbal report; information only. The program continues to work on recruitment and improvement of service to its current students.
    3. BSN – Oral report; information only. The program has been approved as previously reported. The committee would like to extend appreciation to Vice President for Administrative Services Carl Diekhans and Vice President for Academic Affairs Mike McFarlane for defending the program during the ARSA meeting. The advisory committee members and faculty were thanked for the time and effort provided to bring the program to fruition. Lead Faculty Puccinelli will begin advising students for the program. There are currently 19 RN's interested in the BSN program.
    4. BSW – Verbal report; information only. The program has established a bulletin board in Lundberg Hall in an effort to better serve the student body. The program expects 8-10 applicants to the UNR School of Social Work in February.
    5. Elementary and Secondary Education – Written report; information only. The program was pulled as an action item in order for the Secondary Education endorsements to be heard by Curriculum and Articulation. An outline of the program was provided to Senate for comment. The program did have questions with regards to the science requirements by the state; these are thought to have been clarified.
  9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: No unfinished business was brought forward.
  10. NEW BUSINESS: No new business was brought forward.
    1. Institutional Restructuring – Professor Genie Goicoechea was asked to present findings garnered during her sabbatical. Although the original intent of her sabbatical was faculty mentoring among like institutions, discussion involved workload questions surrounding individual institutional structure. Prof. Goicoechea visited Western Wyoming Community College in Rock Springs, Wyoming; Western Nevada Community College; Truckee Meadows Community College; and Community College of Southern Nevada. These institutions rely on a division chair tier. Although each institution forms their divisions according to their own preferences, division chairs are academic faculty contracted to oversee the operations of departments. Each division chair continues to instruct courses at an agreed upon percentage. All institutions are based on a five class per semester workload. Division Chairs meet with the Vice President or Dean on a weekly basis. Duties include the monitoring of instructor courses, primary contact for student complaints, semester scheduling, reassignment of work for faculty in under-load/overload, and full-time faculty evaluations. Vice President for Academic Affairs Mike McFarlane feels the proposal is logical and would consider funding five division chairs at 60%. A pre-semester forum will be held to discuss this option further with faculty.
      1. Prof. Goicoechea will meet with the Faculty and Administrative Evaluations Committee on findings relating to the faculty evaluation process in relation to the other institutions visited. The discussed processes could be considered with the establishment of the division chairs structure.
    2. GBC Taskforce on Workplace Violence – Foundation Director Summer Ehrmann has researched information regarding how to spot the signs of violence among peers. Through the Minnesota Center Against Violence and Abuse has developed information specifically focused on signs within a workplace environment. The center provides training and information for employers to spot the signs of abuse. GBC would like to form a taskforce to develop a similar systematic process. Volunteers are asked to contact the Foundation office.
    3. Grants – GBC Grant Writer Jeannie Rosenthal is seeking to improve the communication when developing, implementing and maintaining grants. Those interested in working on grant issues are asked to contact Rosenthal's office.
    1. Recruitment – Recruiter Shane Ridley-Stevens thanked everyone for their involvement during the recent college and career day wherein area junior high students visited campus. Recruiter Stevens announced his resignation effective Friday, December 17, 2004.
    2. Refreshments for January – The Library will provide refreshments for the January meeting.
  13. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 3:20 p.m. Senate will convene on Friday, January 21, at 1:15 p.m. in GTA 130.