January 30, 1998

MEMBERS PRESENT: J. Allison, G. Avent, E. Bateman, J. Blach, R. Byram, J. Copenhaver, K. Dimick, P. Fox, S. Garcia, M. Harper-Harrison, C. Hyslop, L. Hyslop, P. Josey, M. Kuhl, K. Martin, M. McFarlane, M. Myrhow, P. Normandie, M. Ports, C. Pyatt, J. Rice, J. Sallaberry, B. Sanford, K. Schwandt, J. Shaw, R. Siler, G. Smith, J. Smith, P. Smith, M. Swetich, G. Tenney, M. Van de Ven, P. Warren, G. Whitcomb, A. Wright

GUESTS: Chancellor Richard Jarvis, ASB Representatives Brian Dankowski and Stacey Monroe

  1. ATTENDANCE: Silent roll was taken. Chair Marilee Kuhl declared a quorum present.

  2. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1:15 p.m.

  3. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS: Chair Marilee Kuhl welcomed everyone to the meeting. Chancellor Richard Jarvis was introduced. Glenn Whitcomb and Jody Sallaberry, Computer Technicians for the campus, were introduced. Georgeanna Smith was warmly welcomed back to Senate after her absence.

    1. Board of Regents attended a Strategic Directions Workshop which had strong emphasis on the quality of undergraduate instruction.
    2. Enrollment - In terms of the Legislative Budget, changes in enrollment numbers directly affect the outcome and determines the rate of institutional growth plans.
      1. Fall 1997 Enrollments for GBC - 5.4% increase in headcount (System equaled a 5.0% increase). Headcount shows the number of people attracted to individual programs and their demanded impact on the state. In terms of FTE, GBC reflected a 13.5% increase (System equaled 7.3%). The Estimated Annual FTE calculates to 42,452 = 5.3% over budget (budgeted: 40,329) which is an uncomfortable number in terms of instruction strain (would rather see it within 2%) but demonstrates to the state that the System meets what is expected with a sizable amount of unmet need. Implication: The System will grow within the next Legislative Budget. The last four years have seen significant increases in legislative support.
      2. The current funding ratios which cover all institutions in the state are not appropriate for the community colleges. GBC will also remain the smallest institution in the state despite the projected growth which means that it will need the richest funding ratio. The Legislature needs to change the current formula to meet the different needs.
    3. College Attendance -
      1. According to a demographic study, 37.5% of Nevada 9th graders enroll in college after high school graduation (national average is 57.2%). Alaska is only state with a lower rating at 37.4%, next highest state is Arizona at 48%. The study includes students taking any type of post-secondary education. 67.4% of Nevada students graduate from public school system but do not seek higher education (the national average at 70%).
        Significant factors:
        1. We are a full-employment state with good job opportunities for individuals with no post-secondary education.
        2. Nevada has the lowest number of homes with a college educated person in residence.
        3. School-to-Career, K -12 Initiative, and the Distance Education Initiative (SB204) programs seem to increase the number of Nevadans with post-secondary education and will continue to be pursued.
        4. Recruitment earlier in a semester may encourage more college bound students.
        5. Until recently, Nevada had a very low percentage of state-funded financial aid. This has been overturned.
        6. Rate of students beginning college at a later age is average compared with other states; however, for each year a student puts off pursuing a post-secondary education, the lower the completion rates. Most older individuals returning to college not due to unemployment factors but pursuit of a career change.
        7. Approximately half of the 37.5% Nevada 9th graders receive a college degree. Different factors regulate this: individual may not be seeking a degree, students are taking classes over a longer period of time rather than the two-year outline, and past state bias against financial aid initiatives.
        8. Nevada tends to be a secondary choice for students seeking post-secondary education; students with high test scores (SAT or ACT) attend college out-of-state; students with low test scores come into the state. The 20% of Nevada high school students who go to college in other states do very well.
          1. Nevada's math and reading scores are very low. The System will have to work with the public school system to raise the standards without giving easy exits.
      2. Nevada's projected growth from 1996 through 2012 stands at 134%. Although Nevada is a less diverse state as compared with other states in the western region by 2012, 62% of the graduating class will be minorities (1994 figures show graduating minority students at 24%).
      3. Four-year Programs - Different kinds of institutions and opportunities benefit the state; however, accreditation criteria is not very flexible. The example of Utah Valley State College model is very viable for Elko; however, Nevada is not interested in producing another state institution but rather developing a different type of institution which makes available some 4-year degrees while retaining the community college educational opportunities. Teacher education programs which will target rural Nevada need a vehicle in rural Nevada to meet student's educational needs. Great Basin College is an appropriately managed institution which appears to be able to withstand the strain the implementation of these programs will bring.
    4. Western Governor's University - Did not meet the January,1998, projected start date with the Electronic Technical Degree and a General Associates Degree. Western Governor's University must generate enough enrollment to pay for the operation. They will not make money for at least five years and it is not certain what the outflow of dollars into Nevada is going to be. CCSN was chosen simply because they were the largest college in the state and will be able to absorb the cost. It is best to wait until the university is stabilized before other institutions in the state come on board with their programs.

  5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the December 12, 1997, meeting were unanimously approved.

  6. SENATE CHAIR REPORT: Chair Marilee Kuhl reported the following:
    1. The Enrollment Report, Fall 1997, which the Chancellor referred to is available for review.
    2. National Expenditure Trends in Higher Education and a press release regarding the Western Governor's University are available for review.
    3. The number of faculty contract days according to the GBC bylaws is 172 days. Because spring semester began a week later, finals week follows graduation.
    4. As of January 29, GBC FTE is at 986. Our goal is 1020 FTE which is reachable with enrollment for the late starting classes.

    1. Academic Standards - Written report submitted regarding non-use of the LRC as a testing center for make-up examinations as the limited staff cannot support proctoring. Individual faculty members are of the opinion that the tests have all the necessary information for the student to take the exam and each instructor is willing to take the responsibility for cheating. Critical Skills is looking into expanding their operating hours; however, student employment will be utilized to fill in the off-hours of the tutors. This recommendation does not include self-paced courses. The report was declined and sent back to committee for further review.
    2. Budget - None; There is $8,000 available in equipment monies for the entire campus. Requests should be submitted by February 6 for committee consideration.
    3. Compensation and Benefits - No written report. The UCCSN Joint Committee on Compensation recommends a COLA of 4% for each year of the 1999-2001 biennium. The UCCSN Council of Chairs endoresed this recommendation.
    4. Curriculum and Articulation - Written report submitted; The report contained committee approval for BUCK 102B - Intermediate Rodeo and LCM 101B - Loss Control Engineering and Technology. The report was approved 35:1 opposition disapproving of the "BUCK" designation for the rodeo class.
      1. April 15 - deadline on new course offerings for the fall semester.
      2. February 13 - deadline for catalog revisions.
    5. Distance Education - No written report submitted; the committee sent the Intellectual Property Rights policy to Administrative Council. This policy is currently being reviewed by legal council. Next semester, faculty who utilize interactive video will be contacted to address any problems or concerns.
    6. Facilities - No written report submitted;
      1. McMullen Remodel - a large portion of allotted funds must be used to bring the building up to code; as a result additions to the building were drastically cut. The building will contain larger bathrooms on both floors and some new classrooms. The concrete slab under library stacks must be 8" thick; this will require floor removal and repouring to house three stacks on either side in the LRC. A major asbestos removal project during the summer will require total closure of the LRC and complete removal of all books and furnishings. The actual remodel will not begin until the fall which will allow the books to be housed, but no unauthorized admittance into the facility.
      2. Lundberg Hall will be remodeled for better utilization after present personnel relocate to Berg Hall addition. The facilities committee will begin to look at this during the next month.
      3. Carl Diekhans, Vice President of Administrative Services, is negotiating a lease for the former Builder's Mart building. This building will be used temporarily for some classes including the electrical maintenance program beginning fall, 1998.
    7. Faculty and Administrative Evaluations - None
    8. Personnel - No written report submitted.
      1. Connie McManimin has been hired for the Nursing Assistant Program. This is a 0.6 temporary position.
      2. Director of Off-Campus Programs - over 47 applications have been received. Next cut February 13.
      3. Assistant to the Academic Vice President - over 40 applications received. Next cut February 13.
    9. Scholarship and Awards - No written report submitted; faculty are asked to announce that unclaimed scholarships will be re-awarded. Application deadline is February 20. A list of available scholarships will be on E-mail. The deadline for fall semester scholarships will be set in March.
    10. Student Relations - None; The senator under consideration for impeachment formally resigned; Maria Salvatierra has been accepted as replacement.
    11. Four-year Degrees - None

    1. Vice President Betty Elliott asked that item III.A.8. from the November 14, 1997, meeting be revised to read: "Funding for the new position and Gary Corderman's position will come from academic support funds. No part-time money, project or otherwise, will be used for these two administrative positions". The change was unanimously accepted.
    2. GBC Mascot - A ballot was distributed to Senate members listing the suggested names. Golden Nuggets was added to the ballot. Each faculty member voted for top three choices. Ballots were collected with results to follow via E-mail. Top three names will be forwarded to the ASB as the Faculty's nominees. Classified Staff, Administration, ASB, and Advisory Board will also vote for their top three choices. A campus-wide vote will be held in February to determine the final mascot choice.
      1. For two weeks, faculty and staff have been using E-mail as a means of debate regarding a mascot choice. Some disapproval for the use of E-mail for this purpose was voiced. A majority of the faculty agree that the debate was meant in good-humor and showed great comradeship among our entire staff. It was suggested that E-mail messages can be deleted prior to reading if desired.
    3. Test Week at end of a semester- The Senate unanimously approved the recommendation that finals week be incorporated into the regular semester allowing individual instructors to schedule final exams in their classes beginning fall, 1998.
    4. Trailers will be moved mid-February - if we want to have a "decommissioning" party, volunteers are needed for planning. No one volunteered.

    1. Computer Technology Education - The COT department would like to begin the process of making computer education a requirement for degree programs. They feel it is necessary that students have some type of computer training since most employment opportunities will involve computer skills.
    2. The Fitness Center now contains the Precor Fit 3000 which is a multi-gym for an all-over workout.
    3. Spring Break - Senate approved the recommendation 35:1 that spring break for the college coincide with the Elko County School District during the 1999 - 2000 school year. Concern was expressed that the drop-out numbers after the break is significant. Although this is an ongoing problem, coordinating the break may help to keep older students enrolled.
    4. Student to Faculty Ratio - Vice Chancellor Jane Nichols has suggested the current ratios remain as stated. No opposition was stated. Currently at the University and Community College Level: Electronic Distance Education = 12:1, Developmental Education = 18:1, Nursing = 7.5:1, Rural= 12:1, Vocational= 18:1.
    5. Board of Regents Academic Achievement Award - Revisions and additions to the award are being recommended. Exact changes were unclear. Chair Marilee Kuhl will discuss issue with Betty Elliott, Vice President for Academic Affairs.
    6. Campus Designations - The Board of Regents suggests the following designations for institutions within the System:
      Campus - site which provides complete instructional services; Branch Campus - permanent or semi-permanent partial service facility, no longer leased, limited to general education and specialized programs; Satellite - small, flexible instructional facility with limited offerings.
    7. February 19 has been set aside to honor Regent Dorothy Gallagher. The meeting of Faculty Senate which was scheduled for February 20 will be canceled due to the upcoming event.

    1. ASB Valentine Balloon Bouquets - On sale February 9, 10,11 in front of the Library. These will be delivered anywhere on campus.
    2. ASB will be sponsoring a Citizen Alert forum on Friday, March 6, in GTA 130 concerning the transportation of nuclear waste through Elko. This is an open meeting, anyone from the community may attend.
    3. The Dawson Child and Family Center will be holding a raffle to raise $5,000 for their play yard. Prizes include a doll house designed and constructed by the late artist June Wilson, $90 gift certificate to the child center, two Casino Express tickets anywhere Casino Express flies, and much more.

  11. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 3:15 PM. Next meeting will be held Friday, March 20, 1998, at 1:15 pm in HSCI 111.