Friday, May 16, 2003

MEMBERS PRESENT: P. Anderson, G. Avent, P. Bagley, R. Barton, E. Bateman, F. Daniels, H. Estes, W. Fisk, L. Frazier, S. Garcia, G. Goicoechea, E. Henderson, C. Hyslop, L. Hyslop, D. Jones, R. Kampf, B. Kern, J. King, J. Larson, M. LaSalle, K. Martin, B. Murphy, P. O'Hanahan, L. Owens, M. Ports, C. Pyatt, L. Reber, J. Rice, B. Robertson, S. Rombough, L. Sanchez-Saenz, R. Schaffner, J. Shaw, D. Smith, Ju. Smith, P. Smith, J. Shrock, S. Sweetwater, G. Tenney, L. Uhlenkott, P. Warren, J. Williams

OTHERS PRESENT: Marilee Harper-Harrison, SGA President Steven Houk, Dr. Paul Killpatrick

  1. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS: Chair Bagley welcomed everyone to Senate.
  2. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 9:03 a.m. Three proxy votes were noted.
  3. PRESIDENT KILLPATRICK: President Paul Killpatrick was invited to address the Senate with regards to issues on the state of the State and shared governance.
    1. College Hiring Practices - Under advice by System Legal Council, the topic of a recent hiring procedure questioned by Senate is not an appropriate discussion for Senate. Meetings have been held between the President and the Senate Personnel Committee.
    2. Shared Governance -- President Killpatrick feels that shared governance equates to shared responsibility. Through channels of discussion for concerns, reasonable solutions can be reached. The Senate Chair is now an addition to President's Council to produce a better line of communication to resolve issues. This will be a one-year trial term at the end of which modifications to all representative councils on the campus will be reviewed and possibly adjusted.
      1. One recommendation by the Accreditation Team was the development of a faculty handbook which should eliminate misunderstandings with regards to faculty personnel issues. The college will work toward achieving this recommendation.
      2. The Nevada Faculty Alliance charges the responsibilities of the administration and the faculty as a cooperative effort or partnership. Faculty are particularly responsible for matters of curriculum, teaching, and faculty status. However, the end result should be in the best interest of the institution above the concerns of the individual departments. President Killpatrick urges practice of this definition of shared governance. He made it strongly understood that the definition does not mean that faculty are allowed to administer the running of the institution. All parties need to be willing to accept the decisions which are made through a communicative process.
    3. Faculty Workload Policy - No conclusive plan has been established to address the unique needs of both upper- and lower-division workload for GBC. The President will continue to work towards a solution.
    4. Strategic Planning - The College is continuing its course with regards to its community college mission with four-year programs. The community has voiced concern as to the college's loyalty to its two-year educational programs. The strategic planning team will develop a five-year plan.
    5. Community Service - President Killpatrick hopes to become more visible in the community, particularly in working with the Foundation. Concentration in the first year has been placed on becoming acquainted with the community and the college. The Presidential chat sessions have helped bring college dialog with regards to community concerns into perspective with community dialogue.
    6. GBC Policies and Procedures - The College has not been active in terms providing uniform policies and procedures for the institution. A consultant was brought in early last summer to address the issue. Many of those existing policies are inadequate and irrelevant. Linda Carter, GBC Human Resources Director, will be working with the college on a part-time basis after her retirement to assist in bringing the document together. The Office of the President will look at hiring a full-time Human Resources Director.
    7. Budget - The budget, at this point, looks positive. The system will be funded at 84%.
    8. Faculty Senate Chair - President Killpatrick is looking forward to working with incoming Senate Chair Joel Shrock. He congratulates faculty on a tremendous academic year and looks forward to seeing faculty at the Nurses Pinning Ceremony and at Graduation.
  4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the April 18, 2003, minutes were unanimously approved.
    1. Board of Regents - Very little occurred during the last meeting. The Regents reviewed the system Sexual Harassment Policy. The Senate Chairs did propose alternative language that was subsequently dropped by the BoR, although the Chairs were able to push through some modifications in language to soften the use of specific examples. Approval was accepted with Senate Chairs being unified on the matter and with the Regents seeing the policy as institutional protection rather than student protection. President Killpatrick, among a few other institutional presidents, spoke out against the faculty stance.
    2. Faculty Return Dates - The VPAA has recognized that the work year, due to the in-service period, of the GBC faculty is the longest in the system. This recognition will assist in a starting point for negotiation. The return dates for the fall continue to be set at two-weeks prior to semester start.
    3. TMCC Workload Policy - Truckee Meadows have authored a workload policy that may be interesting to review as GBC faculty begin the negotiating process with President Killpatrick.
    4. Institutional Bylaws - GBC's are extensively out of date although very little progress was made through the year. Institutional Assessment Officer Danny Gonzales began again pursuing the issue after the institutional accreditation visit. Various administrative versus faculty differences must be negotiated through a joint committee. Work will begin in the fall.
    5. Passing of the Gavel - Chair Pete Bagley thanked Vice Chair Joel Shrock, Senate Secretary Frank Daniels and Senate Executive Secretary Chris Mitchell for input, support and assistance during the academic year. The gavel of senate was turned over to Joel Shrock, Senate Chair for the 2003-2004 academic year. Chair Shrock presided over the remainder of the meeting.
    6. Chair Joel Shrock - Chair Shrock clearly pointed to the need of faculty to define shared governance. Faculty are people who have taken responsibility for their operational duties within the college; reorganization of the faculty review process/tenure process and course scheduling are examples. The faculty must demonstrate a unified voice and a unified stance in terms of defining shared governance with relation to the policies of the institution.
    7. Vice Chair Elect - Dr. Frank Daniels was elected as Vice Chair for the 2003-2004 academic year. The results were 25 for; 3 against; and one write-in for Kermit the Frog.
    8. Compensation and Benefits Chair Elect - Dr. Jay Larson was unanimously elected as Compensation and Benefits Chair for the 2003-2004 academic year.
    9. Chair of Chairs - Heather Estes agreed to serve as Chair of Chairs for the 2003-2004 academic year.
    10. Committee Assignments - A preference list for faculty committee assignments will be circulated in the fall.
    1. Bylaws - The senate bylaws have been distributed for final approval. Most of the changes are cosmetic affecting Articles 4 - 6. Article 4, section 7 clarifies wording on proxies. Article 5 outlined the functions of senate, defined quorums, defined the duties of the executive secretary, and provided the format of the full-senate meeting agenda. A motion was made and unanimously approved to accept the revisions of the Faculty Senate Bylaws.
      1. The bylaws committee was delegated the task of reviewing the institutional bylaws. Copies of the bylaws were distributed prior to the meeting and include revisions by administration as well as committee suggestions. This is a working document and is far from being ready for approval. Revisions are based on the content of the bylaws from UNR and UNLV as well as input from other institutional working documents and past Senate actions. The institutional mission is not a formal inclusion of institutional bylaws. Many of the discrepancies lie within the Office of the President with regards to the reference of documents that no longer exist or ongoing established practices that heretofore have not been recorded. The committee expects that revision will continue through the fall semester. The committee revisions are extensive and are much more inclusive that those proposed by Administration. Chair Shrock reiterates that the institutional bylaws are the document to define shared governance based on land-grant institutional philosophy.
      2. Senate requests that the seat on the committee held by an individual who will be leaving the college be immediately replaced. The committee welcomed suggestions, nominations or volunteers. Dan Jones and Joan Williams volunteered and were accepted to the committee.
    2. Curriculum and Articulation - Written report submitted; unanimously approved. The committee recommended HIT 198B, ENG 470, and ELM 120 for approval.
      1. The committee debated the submission of a Math 108 course which was developed outside the disciplined department for the occupational education programs. The math advised that the proposed instructor of record did not meet criterion of a Master's Degree in math nor did the course content meet college math standards. The Occupational Education Department defended its proposal by realizing the academic levels of the students were not conducive to meeting the associate-level math requirements. This is not the first debate on the issue; a prior agreement had been negotiated some weeks ago. The committee advised that the previous agreement between the Occupational Education Department and the math department be honored.
      2. BIOL 400 Field Biology - A previous committee action gave a variable credit indication of 2-6 credits; however, it is posted in the catalog at 3-6 credits. The department wishes a friendly amendment of the report to include that the credit hours for Biology 400 be reflected at 2-6 credit hours. A motion was made to accept the friendly amendment and was unanimously accepted.
    3. Facilities - Written report submitted; the report passed with one opposed.
      1. The committee asked that item four of the report dealing with the relocation of the Director of Safety and Security be tabled until the fall following a hearing of the proposal by the Student Government Association which has priority rights to the building. Space may be at a minimum due to the relocation of Student Central.
      2. The committee recommended the relocation of the ABE/ESL classroom to the STEP building. After meeting with both programs and additional interested parties to hear arguments, the committee determined that FTE generating programs took precedence over non-FTE generating programs. The committee reiterated that the generation of FTE was the only reason for their determination and that the manner in which the item was brought to the attention of the committee was not acceptable.
      3. President Killpatrick hopes to have the relocation of Human Resources by fall into the area currently occupied by Student Central.
    4. Student Relations Committee - An Oral report was presented; information only.
      1. Steven Houk, Student Government Association President, was named the Nevada Student Alliance President. In addition, Steven Houk is the Nevada State President of Phi Beta Lambda.
      2. The new designation of Student Government Association in lieu of the Associated Student Body was passed at the local level and was adopted by the Board of Regents.
    1. Bachelor of Applied Science - The program held a graduation dinner to celebrate the achievements of their eight graduates. The program has been accepting approximately 15-20 applications each semester.
      1. The surveying program planning committee has continued to meet on a bi-weekly basis. An advisory committee should be in place by the end of July. Arrangements are being made to meet with the CCSN Dean of Technology who will be providing the two-year education level.
      2. The program is in the planning stages of an information systems emphasis. Professor Ed Nickel will be researching and developing the program during his sabbatical during the next year.
      3. Chair Shrock requested that the program keep Senate apprised of the progress on these emphasis areas in order to bring forth Senate resolutions or actions as necessary. Other areas under consideration are fire science and criminal justice.
  8. OLD BUSINESS: No old business was brought forward.
    1. Institutional Bylaws -- The revision of institutional bylaws will press forward in the fall semester. Chair Shrock will serve on the committee and reiterates that the document is a work in progress.
    1. Graduation Exit Processional - The exit for the graduating students will be slightly altered this year. President Killpatrick will announce that the audience is to remain seated while faculty and graduates exit. Faculty will exit forming a double line exiting the auditorium wherein all graduates will exit the stage in the same manner and proceed out of the auditorium through the faculty who are encouraged to congratulate the graduates as they proceed into the foyer. This is based on a gauntlet model utilized by Boise State University.
    2. Great Basin Festival - Former Great Basin College employee Marilee Harper-Harrison was brought back to the institution to assist in the planning of the Great Basin Festival for next academic year. The festival is planned for Sept 18-21 and focuses on the Basque heritage. Ms. Harrison distributed a tentative schedule and a list of frequently asked questions to Senate. She emphasized the need for faculty to encourage and emphasize student participation and attendance. The festival is planning stages to bring a world-famous accordionist from the Basque country as the central performer. The committee welcomes comments, improvements and inclusions to the event. The committee wishes to include more of the GBC service area by offering lectures via interactive video. The committee is working closely with Professor Sweetwater, the GBC Foundation, Controller Star Thomson and Continuing Education. Additional help is always welcomed.
    3. Lisa Frazier, Educational Technology Development Specialist - Lisa will be leaving the college for a year to adventure around the world, via boat, with her family. In response to requests for updates as to their travels, she has developed a website which all are welcomed to log onto: The family will be posting pictures and journal writings for all to enjoy. The family welcomes any and all aboard for a visit who are planning to travel to an area of their travels. Travel includes Mexico, the South Pacific, New Zealand and Australia - of particular note, an excursion to the Galapagos Islands.
    4. Summer Music Series - The series is in full planning. Information is available through John Rice.
    5. Social Work Program - The program is at the Office of the President for UNR awaiting agreement approval. GBC's program will mirror that of UNR to meet accreditation standards.
    6. Becky Schaffner - Becky will be leaving the college. Becky is a graduating student who has held the position of Campus Recruiter for that past academic year. She thanks her colleagues who have also been her teachers.
    7. Child and Family Center Graduation - Graduation ceremonies for the pre-schoolers will be held Wednesday, May 28. Chair Joel Shrock's son will be among the group providing musical entertainment for the attendees.
    8. Faculty Development - Please forward suggestions for faculty development to Cindy Hyslop, Interim Educational Technology Development Specialist.
    9. Senate Secretary - The position of Secretary of Senate is vacant. Chair Shrock asks faculty to consider the position over the summer with recruitment to follow in the fall.
    10. Pete Bagley - The Senate wishes to recognize out-going Senate Chair Pete Bagley. The Senate thanks him for his service to the organization and much deserves a round of applause.
  11. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 a.m. Senate will convene in August 2003.